Update Roofing

The exterior of the home is the first impression you will give to potential buyers. When you clean a home, you clean it top to bottom and when you improve your exterior, you do the same. The roof is going to draw the eye first, especially if it has some sores. If you can’t avoid the roof problem inexpensively, consider investing in and advertising a “brand new roof” by getting a full roof replacement.

Landscaping & Curb Appeal

Make slight repairs to the front of the home and frame the walkway and porch with attractive and low maintenance plants, surrounded by an attractive, contrasting mulch. (Also, instead of updating the landscaping yourself, consider hiring lawn care experts like the ones at TruGreen.) It’s been proven that potential buyers sometimes drive by in the evening or night, so consider adding new lights that will showcase your home nicely. A popular trend that has charmed home buyers has been to paint the door a bright color and change its fixtures.

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Add a Deck

Adding an extra place for a family to gather and make memories, such as a deck, serves all the new residents, no matter their age or interests. For you, it can be an investment that almost pays for itself but may be the element that turns a buyer’s maybe into a resounding ‘yes!’.

Replace Windows

If you live in a large city, it’s said that replacing the windows will more than be returned on your investment in the end. Otherwise, the investment typically returns 90% back. It’s apparent that researching which investments to make is wise. Ask your listing agent for recommendations on replacements, and do your own online research before making any decisions. If you are on a limited budget for making your home as appealing as possible to buyers, always make the necessary repairs first; leaks, broken windows, structural integrity issues, etc. Home buyers will much more appreciate a structurally sound home than an attractive one!